Link your accounts to Sign Up or Log In with Facebook or Twitter on iOS

You can link your Facebook or Twitter accounts at any time after signing up with email. Here's how:

Link your Facebook Account

  1. Go to Apple Settings > Facebook > Allow EatSleepRIDE to use your account
  2. Open the ESR app
  3. Tap the Log In with Facebook button
  4. You will see an Authentication process and you will be automatically logged in.
Tip: Be sure the email you use for Facebook and EatSleepRIDE matches to be able to link the accounts. To change your ESR email, tap Me > Edit Profile


Link your Twitter Account

  1. Open the ESR app
  2. Tap the Log In with Twitter button
  3. You will see an Authentication process, select the Twitter handle you'd like to link and you will be automatically logged in.
Tip: Be sure the email you use for Facebook and EatSleepRIDE matches to be able to link the accounts. To change your ESR email, tap Me > Edit Profile